About Us

ThatsFake.com deals with exposing fake stuff on the Internet, including scams, hoaxes and everything else. It works in partnership with our sister website ThatsNonsense.com.

Both sites are based in the UK near Bristol and Bath. Craig Haley servers as the editor for both websites.

If you believe anything on our website is false, out-dated or needs correction or clarification, please contact us on feedback -at- thatsnonsense -dot- com.

Income disclaimer:

All our writers work on a voluntary basis, and we do not give financial rewards to any author to write an article. The site is funded both by adverts and affiliate marketing.

Adverts appear on the majority of our webpages and we receive financial compensation as a result. We also recommend various products on some of our posts, and receive a commission if our readers like them to and make a purchase. We will only ever recommend products that we believe are worthwhile and think our readers could benefit from.

Thanks for using our website. We’re passionate about making the Internet a safer place for everyone and helping curb the surge of misinformation – in whatever form it takes – from plaguing the Internet. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.